To place an order call Rod at 941-627-6692
All of these sculptures are created from sculpted foam that is hard coated. We can create original sculptures for your home.Trade Special Events, Theme Parks,Restaurants,Museums,Home Theater Home Cinema Decor, Offices, Retail Stores,

This 32 inch Snook fish was created from hard coated foam with wooden fins. The finished fish carving was painted with airbrush and then I add a taxidermy glass eye. I can make any fish or bird to your specs. Catch photograph, measure and release .

Red grouper 30 inches long original foam sculpture not a taxidermy fish $250.00

Red snapper 32 inches long created from hard coated foam . $300.00

Red grouper 40 inches original wood carving $400.00

Red drum ( redfish ) sculpture 30 inches long on driftwood. This fish carving is an original foam sculpture that is hard coated and painted life like . Price $250.00

Bull dolphin fish also known as mahi-mahi. This sculpture is a 32 inch original carving that is carved from a block of foam and hard coated then painted to a realistic finish and a glass eye is added for realism. This fish is $ 250.00

(Megalops Atlanticus) 5 foot long Tarpon carved from foam then hard coated . This is ok for indoors or out. Boca Grande Florida is the home of the worlds richest Tarpon tournament. I have watched it from the beach. Dozens of boats packed into a few hundred yards at Boca Grande pass with camera crews nearly on top of the fishermen, quite the spectacle to behold . Price 600.00

8 Inch tall wood carving original miniature redfish sculpture tailing through the mangroves. The fish is carved from basswood and the mangrove base is mixed media. Contact me for a custom original.